How to attend Private Tuition Classes in a Pandemic?

More than 300 million students worldwide are having their learning interrupted in this pandemic. However, unlike any time in the past, we can still resume education even when institutions are closed.

The question is, how do we attend private tuition classes in this pandemic? Here are six things you may need to know before switching to virtual learning via online tuition classes in Singapore.

What Are The Benefits Of Online Tuition in singapore?

  1. Efficiency

Online tuition classes grant private tutors an effective way to present tutoring sessions to their students. Online tuition classes in Singapore include several learning tools such as Youtube videos, Kahoot, Slidesmania, podcasts, and private tutors can utilize all these appliances as part of their tutoring strategies. 

By exploring the tuition class beyond traditional textbooks to incorporate online study materials, private tutors can become more experienced educators in Singapore.

  1. Convenience of Time and Venue

Another benefit of online tuition classes is that it enables students to attend sessions from any place of their preference. It also permits online tuition classes to reach out to a more extensive network of students instead of being limited by geographical boundaries. 

On a side note, online tuition classes can be recorded, saved, and shared for future reference. It acknowledges students to obtain the study material at a time of their convenience. Therefore, online tuition classes offer Singapore students the approachability of time and place in learning during this pandemic.


  1. Price Affordability 

Besides, online tuition classes reduce financial expenses among Singaporeans. Online tuition classes are far cheaper as compared to physical home tuition classes in Singapore. Online tuition classes reduce the price points of student/tutor transportation, meals, and, most importantly, the cost of study materials and stationaries. 

Furthermore, all the course or study materials are now available online, hence forming a paperless tutoring atmosphere that is more affordable while also being advantageous to our country, Singapore.

What Are The Downsides Of Online Tuition in singapore?

  1. Failure to Focus on Screens

One of the most significant hurdles of online tuition classes among students in Singapore is the strain of focusing on the screen for long periods. Perhaps, the younger the child is, the more difficult it may seem to hold their concentration. For instance, students who are sitting for PSLE Science may find it hard to focus compared to a GCSE A-Level student learning Biology at the same time. 

With the availability of online tuition classes in Singapore, there is also a bigger chance for students to be misled by social media or other applications. Consequently, the private tutors must run their online tuition classes brief, engaging, and interactive to aid students to stay focused on the tutoring.

  1. Technology Problems

Another difficulty of attending online tuition classes is the student and tutor’s internet connectivity. While network connectivity has advanced in leaps and bounds over the past few years, a steady association with decent speed is still an obstacle in certain parts of Singapore.

Without a consistent internet connection for students or private tutors, there can be a lack of progression in learning for the former. Possibly, it may be disturbing to the peaceful tutoring process.

  1. Control Screen Time

Many parents in Singapore are worried about the health dangers of having their children kill so many hours gazing at a screen. This rise in screen time is one of the biggest concerns and weaknesses of online tuition classes. Sometimes students also acquire poor sitting posture and other health problems due to staying hunched in front of a screen for a long time.

A great solution would be to provide the students lots of breaks from the screen to revive their minds and body. Also, private tutors can initiate to cultivate some meditation or breathing exercises before the start of every lesson.


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